Are you tired of time wasters and cold calls? Don't want to get tied into a long term, costly contract? We at Freewheel Leisure can help...
Or why not consider our easy brokerage service. We will tailor an individual package, agree mutual terms and sell it for a fixed price often guaranteeing you a far better deal that selling privately without the hassle of advertising, valeting habitation certificates & money transfers.
We can even comprehensively insure your vehicle while in our care if needed.
We deal with all of the above & you will receive full payment from the buyer before the vehicle leaves our gated 24hrs security protected premises.
At Freewheel Leisure, we understand that your vehicle is more than just a mode of transportation. It is an extension of your personality and a reflection of your lifestyle, and buying one can be stressful.
That's why we can supply extras such as warranties, finance terms, vehicle extras & MOT's to potential buyers making it a far more attractive option to buy. This also provides buyers the security of purchasing through a reputable family run dealer with over 20 years of experience & knowledge in the motorhome trade.
We can also offer competitive part exchange prices!
Call now to find out more - 07904 801708